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Allergy or Irritation?

What is an allergy?



An allergy is an oversensitivity of the immune system to something that many people have normal interactions with daily.  


Symptoms of an allergy to the glue may include red puffy eyes and itchiness.  


These symptoms will last until the glue is removed and can get worse with time.


Think of somebody you know with a peanut allergy – each time they are exposed to peanuts their reaction gets worse and worse.  This is because our bodies’ immune system is constantly adapting and building up antibodies to fight off the allergen.  


The more your body is exposed to the allergen the stronger and more dramatic the allergic reaction.  For this reason, you should not put lashes on if you have had an allergic reaction to lash glue before.   




What is an irritation?


An irritation can mirror many of the same symptoms of an allergy, so it can be very hard to tell what is happening.  Irritations usually come from the fumes given by the glue as it dries.  Individual gas molecules of cyanoacrylate leave the glue and can cause red puffy eyes and make the sclera (the white part of your eye) red and itchy.  


The difference is that irritations usually don’t last longer than 24 hours and should get  better as time passes.  One exception to this is if you get seasonal allergies.  Lash extensions can contribute to the symptoms of the seasonal allergies when you already have very sensitive, irritated eyes.  





The ingredient found in all lash glues is what you have to get tested for if you think you are allergic






- Take an antihistamine to take away some of the swelling and itchiness.​


-Contact us to remove the lashes if the swelling does not go away after 24 hours.  In that time, use a saline or sterilized foam wash (if you brought the lash wash from whiplash that will work perfectly fine) The lash wash will help cool the eyelids and make them feel more comfortable.


-If swelling and symptoms persist after 48 hours of removing lashes contact your doctor. Remember, typically clients are allergic to cyanoacrylate in the adhesive - tell the doctor that.


-After an allergy has developed, Whiplash will discontinue applying lashes on you.  





We do have glue for sensitive eyes but this glue does not have the ingredient "CYANOACRYLATE"  in it which means the lashes will stick but the glue will not be as strong as our normal lash glue. This glue is great to use for occasions and for wearing lashes for about 1 week (maybe even longer , depends on how you take care of the lashes)



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